Waar de wereld van Declipse tot leven komt

Tag: A Cage for Horrors

Het is 2024!

2024 is ingeluid met een knal!

2024 is begonnen, een nieuw jaar gevuld met kansen en mogelijkheden. Een nieuw jaar betekent dat ik de kans heb om dingen te proberen en om het anders te doen. Er zijn kansen om te pakken, mogelijkheden om uit te lokken, en gewoon een goede tijd om te hebben. NaNoWriMo is nog maar 10 maanden van ons verwijderd en daar ga ik me goed op voorbereiden.

Natuurlijk betekent het feit dat de kalender is omgetikt niet dat al die dingen opeens zijn ontstaan. Al die potentie was er natuurlijk al, maar een nieuw jaar is een mooi moment om nieuwe dingen te doen. Goeie voornemens bestaan immers met een reden!

Goeie voornemens voor 2024

Toen mijn vrienden me vroegen hoe ik 2024 voor me zag, had ik daar om te beginnen geen antwoord op. Ik heb wel dingen die ik wil verbeteren, maar ik wil over lang niet alles super open zijn. Persoonlijke verbeterdoelen zijn precies dat: persoonlijk.

Maar er zijn ook dingen die ik wel graag wil delen! Ik zou geen blog hierover schrijven als ik niet een paar highlights heb, immers.


Aan het einde van November 2023 had ik afwijzingen binnen van alle uitgevers die ik heb benaderd met Declipse: Revolutie. Het was een klap in mijn zelfvertrouwen, zo veel is duidelijk. Nu ik die klap verwerkt heb, ben ik echter weer met volle moed vooruit aan het kijken. Mijn eerste stap is achterhalen waarom: wat had ik anders moeten doen?

Helaas bieden uitgevers geen tekst en toelichting bij een afwijzing. Ze krijgen simpelweg te veel manuscripten toegestuurd om alles inhoudelijk te behandelen. Zeker aangezien ze met emotionele mensen te maken hebben, is het te intensief om iedereen persoonlijk te behandelen. Dat betekent echter ook dat ik geen idee heb waar ze op afknapten: is mijn proza te kinderlijk, is er iets mis met mijn verhaallijn, of is er iets anders? Ik ga er achter moeten komen voor ik er aan kan werken.

Dit jaar wil ik dan ook kijken of ik een agent wil vinden. Iemand met verstand van uitgevers die mensen helpt om zichzelf te verbeteren en uitgegeven te worden.


Ik heb nog geen idee. Dat wordt de eerste stap.

Google lijkt me een prima begin.


Kijken naar het verleden is een uitstekend begin, maar dat is een begin. Ik wil ook vooruit kijken. Dit jaar ga ik mijn schrijfervaring laten groeien.

En die groei kan alleen maar plaatsvinden met oefening. Ik heb mijn toch al beperkte vrije tijd verder volgepland voor die oefening. Jullie zullen de vruchten van die oefening gaan plukken: ik ben van plan om alles op deze website te zetten!

Op die manier groeit mijn ervaring, maar ook mijn portfolio.

Elke maand wil ik een kort verhaal schrijven. Hierbij zal ik variëren in thema, wereld, en taal, om variatie te bieden. De ene maand kan het een deel van Declipse omvatten, de volgende een deel van A Cage for Horrors. Misschien is het ook wel een heel andere wereld, of een heel ander concept.

Het doel is dat ik mezelf uitdaag en nieuwe dingen probeer. Ik wil kijken of ik ergens over struikel dat me óók ligt. Misschien vind ik wel een onverwachte passie!

Ook wil ik handpalmverhalen proberen. Ik weet nog niet wat ik daar van vind… maar daarom ga ik het proberen!

Wat is een handpalmverhaal? Dat behandel ik in mijn volgende blogje… en meer!

2023 volhouden in 2024

De laatste belangrijke stap is het goede vol te houden. Toen ik in Augustus begon met het schrijven van blogjes, had ik niet verwacht dat het zo’n passie zou worden. Ik geniet van het schrijven van elk blog en het verzinnen van de onderwerpen. Elke keer als ik weer een ‘eureka’ moment heb, is het weer genieten. De wekelijkse blogjes gaan dan ook door!

2024 zal gevuld worden met nieuwe onderwerpen. Van blikken terug, op de oorsprong van Declipse, tot blikken vooruit, naar de nieuwe plannen. Ik ga schrijven over technieken, nieuwe dingen, en andere processen. Het wordt mijn kleine dagboek in de aanloop naar nieuwe mogelijkheden en nieuwe kansen.

Daarnaast zal ik ook meer ervaring opdoen met SEO en de leesbaarheid van mijn blogs. Het blijft een leerproces, maar ik hoop hier ook onderzoek naar te kunnen doen!

En, natuurlijk, als laatste…

Herzien, herschrijven, en voorbereiden voor NaNoWriMo 2024!

Mijn werk van November 2023 ga ik herzien. Ik heb in December gerust en mezelf toegestaan om te herstellen van de uitputtingsslag van November. Het verhaal is weer fris in mijn hoofd, dus in Januari ga ik beginnen met het reviseren. Eerst ga ik alles lezen en notities maken en daarna ga ik dat wat ik anders wil zien herschrijven.

Daarmee is dan de Hemingway Versie af. Deze maak ik beschikbaar voor iedereen die het maar wil lezen!

Voor NaNoWriMo dit jaar heb ik twee doelen. Ik wil wederom een nieuw verhaal schrijven en ik wil het dit jaar beknopter houden. Mijn ervaring van dit jaar vertelde me dat ik te hard wil gaan. Ik wil te veel schrijven en een langer verhaal is niet noodzakelijk een beter verhaal. Dit jaar wil ik dus weer terug naar de lengte van mijn voorgaande verhalen: twaalf tot zestien hoofdstukken lang. Dat betekent dat ik in theorie in twee weken klaar kan zijn, waardoor ik ook meer tijd voor mezelf overhoud.

In augustus en september ga ik dit voorbereiden. Tot die tijd kan ik naar oude verhalen en tekeningen kijken. Dat is waar ik de inspiratie voor A Cage for Horrors vandaan heb gehaald, immers!

Grootse plannen

Al deze dingen heb ik niet aan mijn vrienden verteld. Sommige dingen verzin je pas later, als je er echt over nadenkt. Naast mijn persoonlijke doelen vind ik dat ik het hiermee druk genoeg zal hebben. Ik heb een roleplaying campagne om af te ronden en een nieuwe om te beginnen. Mijn broertje komt nog steeds regelmatig langs om te gamen en ik wil mijn vrienden ook nog wel eens zien. Er zijn concerten en conventies waar ik naar toe wil.

En mijn baas wil me ook nog wel eens op kantoor zien.

Het leven is druk. Ik moet er zelf wat leuks van maken, maar 2024 belooft fantastisch te worden!

NaNoWriMo is done. What follows next?

As you were able to read in my various posts throughout October, I quite enjoyed NaNoWriMo this year. It was refreshing to step away from my traditional Modern military novel and write something different. Now that I have a first draft, what follows next?

I have gone through this process before. After I completed Declipse, I spent a couple of months procrastinating the revisions. I was new to the process and didn’t know what to do. Now, I have learned that revisions are definitely the first thing that follows this stage of drafting.

Ernest Hemingway

Though Ernest Hemingway apparently had quite a busy life, in the literary world he is mostly remembered for one quote.

“The first draft of anything is shit.”

As his name is remembered through the generations for his literary contributions, he may have been on to something. Whether that is true or not, I already know what the state of my first draft is. I wrote A Cage of Horrors at high speed and in my second language. Even though I consider myself fluent in English, I know for certain that my draft is filled with errors.

My prose is filled with errors when I write in my native language. Even though I can type without looking at my screen, both spelling and grammar suffer when I write at speed. I will never forget the time I intended to write ‘in his hands’ and found out, during re-reading, that I wrote ‘in her pants’.


This is, of course, just one of many examples. I want to spare the people who want to read my work these errors, so I intend to revise A Cage of Horrors first. As this is another tome of 30 chapters, I anticipate it will take a bit to get through it properly.

How long until the release follows?

It took me a long time to get to revising after writing Declipse: Revolutie. I don’t intend to let it lie until April, like I did with Declipse, but it will take a bit. I anticipate that revisions won’t start until January, maybe February. It’s all depending on the eventual progress I may have with publishing Declipse.

Regardless, the first release will be for friends, family, and colleagues. They get the Hemingway Draft and get to provide feedback. Only after that follows my decision of making it available to the public.

At the moment, I lean towards converting the file to an .epub and making it available for free. I’m not too certain that I’ll break through on the international market yet, so it can’t hurt to give something away for free. If anything, it will be a novelty, should that happen.

However, that will take a while.

Why so long?

I will wait so long with revision, because I want to give the story some time to recover. An important part of revision is re-reading everything you wrote. However, the more I recognize, the more I unconsciously skip. This means that I will skip over spelling and grammar errors, which will stay in the Hemingway Draft that way.

So, I need to let the story leave my mind. I need to let my attention move to other things, so I can rediscover myself.

Additionally, after that recovery, I need to read everything again. Just to put it in perspective, the story is roughly as long as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Each book that follows seems to get longer.

Picture courtesy of Amazon.com

Even though I enjoy reading and have been known to get lost in a book, that is still a lot of words to read. It is also a very different kind of reading, which changes my speed. In addition to reading, I am also correcting, reflecting, and making notes for my revisions.

All of that besides a full-time day job.

In other words, if I check a chapter per day, I’m doing well. After that follows correcting and revising. If I do a chapter or two of that per day, it’s a good tempo. These things add up.

Add to that a social life and things to do besides the revising, and we’re already looking at months of work.

And then the release follows.

It’s only expected that I announce the release of A Cage of Horrors to everyone who wants to read it. I will likely upload it to this very website, even!

A new page will be made, providing a summary and overview. I may even commission some art, who knows.

Time will tell.

NaNoWriMo 2023: November 30th

Welcome to the final weekly update on the NaNoWriMo project for 2023! A Cage for Horrors was locked away in my mind for years and years, only expressed in my drawings. Now, it is time to see what the world actually looks like!

How did the past week go?

The past week consisted of two days: Friday and Saturday.

On Friday, I completed the final chapter of the story. I tied off the final threads that had been left hanging in the dramatic climax of the penultimate chapter, providing closing and making sure that everyone knows where we leave our heroes. Some characters may still be AWOL, but that is done on purpose. I didn’t manage the full 5000 words, only 4200, but for the final chapter… I think that is okay.

On Saturday I completed the Epilogue and told myself that I did a good job. That was worth it.

After that… I took some time for myself. My friends came over for roleplaying. I spent an evening gaming, instead of writing. There was some last-minute shopping for the holiday season…

Because I’m done!

I did a little better. As you can see below, the final position is about three times as high as the picture above suggests.

It’s been a good month. A heavy, but good month.

final weekly update graph

What happened in the story?

Like I said above, the story is tied off. The only thing that I left behind was a hook. A point to pick up. There is room for more story, for I imagined this story to span at least two books.

Final thoughts?

There is nothing more to do. The story had been completed in the way I had described it.

That doesn’t mean it was perfect. I noticed as I was writing the final chapters that there were a couple of plot points that had been left by the wayside. I put down some references in the end, but savvy readers will notice that there were points that apparently disappeared and suddenly reappeared by the end. There is no doubt that I want to rewrite this.

There were also a couple of chapters where Cadence, the main character, got in uncomfortable situations. She got immobilized and questioned, or hurt. Upon review, I realized that they gave a decided impression that she was being raped. There is no need for rape in my story to give it a sense of pressure and drama, so I need to rewrite those parts, as well.

I have already made notes. My next blog will detail how, and when, I will plan to pick this up!

Besides that, I feel my energy had definite low and high points. I had trouble getting into the story, which made the first four or five chapters difficult to write. After that I got on a roll and the chapters came easy and quickly. I even had time left in the evening!

The last week was a chore, though. Fatigue had decidedly set in and I was losing time. I didn’t get to the tempo that I wanted to, writing in spurts that more or less kept my on pace, but nothing more. The last chapter was especially difficult, taking a full evening.

I don’t think that putting it off would have helped at all. It would have just meant I wouldn’t finish the book.

But I did it! The story is written. Now… time for the next steps. Come back next week for that!

NaNoWriMo 2023: November 23rd

Welcome to the fourth weekly update on the NaNoWriMo project for 2023! A Cage for Horrors was locked away in my mind for years and years, only expressed in my drawings. Now, it is time to see what the world actually looks like!

How did the past week go?

In my previous update, I said that the Thursday was a heavy day. I had only been able to write about 2000 words. On Friday, I returned with a vengeance and carried these words over, writing about 6000 words on that day. 2500 of these were for the next chapter, chapter 21.

These 2500 helped me on Saturday. I only planned to write one chapter due to scouting eating my morning and a significant part of the afternoon. With my head start, and by starting early in the morning with chores, I got to work. I finished the chapter I started, completed a second one, and started a third. Way more than I planned and making up for Thursday.

After that, on Sunday, I knuckled down again and wrote 3 chapters and most of a fourth. This included the work I did on Saturday, allowing me to end a little earlier. That was likely my last 3-chapter day and I have to admit that I’m glad for it. These days take a lot out of me, but I described that before. I ended the weekend with 25 chapters finished. The countdown has officially started.

Monday was the day that I noticed fatigue setting in. I had 3000 words already written for chapter 26 and after finishing that chapter, I was unmotivated to keep writing. I put on a stream and just decided to see how far I’d get and still wrote a cool 2000 words for chapter 27.

On Tuesday I finished chapter 27 and did the same thing as I did on Monday, writing 2500 words into chapter 28. I was still ahead of planning!

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday. Finished 28, started 29.

Because of that start, I could finish chapter 29 before my roleplaying session, this evening. A day I hadn’t even expected to complete a chapter!

fourth weekly update graph

Did I earn any badges?

One! I made a 21 day streak!

What happened in the story?

Darryl escapes his run-in with the law and learns things about a seemingly innocent friend. He isn’t able to give this enough thought when disaster strikes! His ex-girlfriend is gone! Who took her and where did they go? Will the guard believe her?

Cadence, meanwhile, learns the consequences of everything that has happened to her. Is she going insane? Or is she really being helped by an unknown force? Just as she wants to take vengeance for something that was done to Darryl, she is stopped… and the two are reunited.

Just in time to be accused of a whole lot of crimes. The endgame has finally started, where the problems accrued by Cadence come to a head and Darryl learns something new and unexpected about his powers.

How does the next week look?

We’re in the home stretch! I just finished chapter 29 today, which means I have one more chapters to go, plus the epilogue. This will be done tomorrow, on Friday, and the day after, on Saturday.

After that, the challenge is over for me. I’ve more than beat the set NaNoWriMo challenge and also completed my personal challenge. After 23 days of hard work, I think I can manage two more days.

What’ll be done with the manuscript after that? Well, I’ll discuss that later. I will be relaxing and gaming a bit, I think.

Are we still on schedule?

Yes! We are right where I want to be!

NaNoWriMo 2023: November 16th

Welcome to the third weekly update on the NaNoWriMo project for 2023! A Cage for Horrors was locked away in my mind for years and years, only expressed in my drawings. Now, it is time to see what the world actually looks like!

How did the past week go?

I started the week with a head start. As I wrote last week, I had been paying the 2000 words I had written on a ‘half day’ forward. I kept that going, carrying the extra words over and writing about 6500 words on Friday, as opposed to the roughly 1500 that I still had to write after Thursday. I had some trouble that evening, but it was a Friday, so I had the time.

The 4000 words that carried over on Friday were finished on Saturday. With that, I wrote about 16500 words that day, bringing my total to 73.400 and completing the story up to chapter 14. That evening, I decided I was on a roll and wrote the first 2000 words for the next day. On Sunday I took it a little easier and just wrote my three chapters, taking advantage of my head start. Productive weekend, and I’m officially a chapter ahead. I did find that the amount of writing was too much on Saturday. I had trouble concentrating by the end of the afternoon. I had been writing for since 08:30 by then, though.

On Monday, I wrote a chapter as planned. On Tuesday I had a roleplaying session in the evening, but I managed to write 3000 words beforehand, despite the fact that I hadn’t planned on completing anything. That is how you manage to keep things going – taking these little extra’s here and there and using them as a bonus.

Because I was a chapter ahead, I decided to have dinner with my parents on Wednesday. That was a nice change of pace and because of the 3000 words I wrote on Tuesday, I managed to still complete a chapter. Another chapter ahead of schedule!

Unfortunately, Thursday was a killer day. I didn’t get a lot of writing done due to a heavy working day leaving me with a headache.

I did break through the 100.000 words barrier, though! I also got the 14 day’s streak award without really noticing it. Only one more award to go!

What happened in the story?

While Darryl is busy gathering enemies, Cadence is busy gathering clues from perhaps the most unreliable man in the world. They disappear, but she eventually manages to find them, after uncovering what could very well be the big antagonist of this story.

While he’s been gathering enemies, Darryl has also been talking with a little boy and his mother. They’re undeniably flirty, but will the situation allow them to continue? Especially if the enemies are… quite dangerous. They may become an issue later. Darryl also has a run-in with the law.

How does the next week look?

The next week will be a little busier. I have scouting on Saturday morning, which, if you include the need to drive back and do all the cat-related things afterwards, will mean I won’t be able to write three chapters like I did this past week. I anticipate to finish chapter 28 by this time next week!

Are we still on schedule?

I was ahead of schedule a little bit, until I decided to have dinner with my parents. I enjoyed it, so I don’t regret it. Thanks to my hard work of last week, I didn’t have to suffer in my planning.

I’m still aiming for the 25th! We’ve passed the halfway mark, so the end is already in sight and I will keep writing.

NaNoWriMo 2023: November 9th

Welcome to the second weekly update on the NaNoWriMo project for 2023! A Cage for Horrors was locked away in my mind for years and years, only expressed in my drawings. Now, it is time to see what the world actually looks like!

How did the past week go?

Public transit has not been my friend, in the past week. On Friday I came home a full hour later than I anticipated. Thankfully, as it was a Friday, I could also go on a little longer than usual. My frustration with the transit could be nicely channeled into some writing, so I went on top speed, that evening.

Saturday was the day of The Rock Circus, so I only had time for about two thousand words in the morning, between other responsibilities, before I had to go. That did mean that I had 2000 less words to write on Sunday, so I managed to finish my target of 3 chapters, that day. I did mark one of these chapters for rewriting already, though, for the events in chapter 5 felt… uncomfortable.

Monday and Tuesday were ‘normal’ days. I wrote a chapter each day.

On Wednesday I was only able to write briefly, typing enough to keep my streak going with another 2000 words. After that I had a meeting for Scouting, which is one of those social obligations I can’t escape from. I could make use of that headstart today, as I had to do less work to reach my chapter’s worth. I took those 2000 words and completed my chapter… and then wrote 3000 words for the next one in my motivation.

All in all, I have completed 9 chapters so far. If I include the extra work I did today, I’m almost 10 chapters in! It’s slightly over the average I strive for.

The wordcount for the second weekly update!

What badges did I earn?

In the past week, I earned the following NaNoWriMo badges:

  • Update Wordcount 3 Days in a Row/Update Wordcount 7 Days in a Row. I kept the streak going successfully! Writing every day is fun and keeps me going, after all.
  • Write 25.000 Words/Write 40.000 Words. I have almost completed the 50.000 words challenge… but I’m not even at a third of my planned story. I’ll need the rest of the month, too!
  • Wrote 50.000 Words in November. Officially, I’m done! I’m also way too early, but this page will activate soon enough!

The amount of badges will slow down considerably in the next week. There’s only two more left to earn… and these are the streak badges. I won’t get the last two, as these require me to update every day and increase my wordcount by at least 1667 words every day. I just won’t be writing that long!

What happened in the story?

After two chapters of introducing my main characters, an instigating event has finally happened. Cadence and Darryl found the motivation to continue with the rest of my story, after which they gathered some unlikely allies… and met some unlikely friends.

Cadence has also been hurt during their investigation. Nobody is aware of how hurt she actually is, including herself… though before the end of the first act, it becomes clear that there is something seriously wrong. Will she be able to deal with it? I’ll have to find out while writing!

Finally, in the second act, Cadence has entered the darkness that she has been fearing so far… and Darryl has met a woman. Things can only go wrong from there!

How does the next week look?

Amazingly, I only have a plan for the Tuesday, when I have a bi-weekly roleplaying evening planned. I’ll probably write before that roleplaying starts, but I don’t anticipate completing a chapter. Besides that… there is nothing. I have time! Time to write!

That also means that this weekend, I will aim to write 30.000 words. Six chapters, a full fifth of my story. I’ll have to see if I can live up to that ambition!

Are we still on schedule?

So far, it looks like my overachieving on Sunday has balanced out missing the Wednesday. I stayed nice and disciplined during the rest of the week, so the 25th is still my target end date!

It does look like I’ll end closer to the 150.000 words than the 180.000 that I had originally been aiming for. I find that my chapters have been distributed very tightly and I have wondered a couple of times if I was even going to make the 5.000 words, already. Over the past 9 chapters, I have only added about 1000 words to the chapter count x 5.000, plus the 1.000 words of prologue. It’s fine, though, for the goal is 30 chapters, not 180.000 words.

We’ll see how close we can get!

NaNoWriMo 2023: November 2nd

Welcome to the first weekly update on the NaNoWriMo project for 2023! A Cage for Horrors was locked away in my mind for years and years, only expressed in my drawings. Now, it is time to see what the world actually looks like!

How did the past week go?

Day one was yesterday. I took off with a sprinting start: 6008 words spread across the prologue and first chapter. Unfortunately, I started to rethink my prologue the day before I started. The new prologue required some tooling to make it work, but I think I succeeded. What I had originally planned for the prologue was folded into chapter one!

I also started out in a way I usually don’t: with an action scene. Usually, I like to build towards those, but with this story it felt good to start with a little fight.

Chapter two was more difficult to write. I came to the realization that I hadn’t given myself a lot in the first couple of chapters to seed my creativity. It was a bit of a slog to get to my wordcount, but by the end of my writing today I finished at 11.013 words.

In the past week, I earned the following NaNoWriMo badges:

  • Update my Writing Progress. This one was for recording my first progress, which I did after completing the prologue.
  • First-Day Update. As the title suggests, I updated my progress on the first day of the challenge.
  • Update More than Once in One Day. I tend to update several times over the course of my writing, whenever I need to switch screens real quick to give myself a moment to think and reflect. A good way to show your progress!
  • Start a Streak. By updating two days in a row, I started my first writing streak.
  • Write 1.667 Words/Write 5.000 Words/Write 10.000 Words. These are pretty self explanatory, I think. Keeping track of major milestones is important, even if I blast by them at this pace!
The status of my overview for the First Weekly Update!

What happened in the story?

We are introduced to Cadence, Darryl, Herb, and East Light City as Cadence and Darryl fight off a mysterious creature that almost kills Herb. We learn a little bit of the powers that the two command and the way they do command them. Additionally, the chaos of East Light City and the Southern Stacks that dominate it are briefly explained, though we will explore those further in future chapters!

Chapter two was mostly focused on Cadence and her past. She’s the main character of this book for a reason!

How does the next week look?

I expect that the coming week won’t live up to its full potential. I go to The Rock Circus on Saturday, which will last until early morning on Sunday. After that, I will still need to drive home. Three chapters will be a challenge after that, though I’ll give it a shot!

For the rest of the week, I have kept my evenings free. I do expect having to have a meeting for Scouting on Wednesday, which will cost an evening. Thankfully, I took this into account and I think it won’t impact the schedule too much.

Are we still on schedule?

I would be very disappointed if I wasn’t on day two! Though I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to complete chapter two with the wordcount I was aiming for, I succeeded. Now that the story is picking up steam, I will have less trouble with reaching my words. The beginning is always the hardest!

Practically speaking, with everything I wrote above in mind, I currently anticipate finishing on the 25th of November. That’s what I’ll be aiming for!

Het is weer november!

November is een bijzondere maand voor mij. Het betere deel van het jaar denk ik niet aan november, tot juli om de hoek komt. Ik heb er al meerdere keren over geschreven op dit blog, maar ik herhaal het graag. Het is de oorsprong van mijn creativiteit, de reden dat ik publicatie überhaupt ben gaan overwegen.

Het is weer tijd voor NaNoWriMo.

Hoe ziet november er uit?

Vandaag, op woensdag 1 november 2023, begin ik opnieuw aan die reis. In augustus kreeg ik inspiratie voor een nieuw verhaal. In de loop van augustus, september, en het begin van oktober heb ik dit verhaal voorbereid. Dit heb ik gedaan op dezelfde manier als ik voor Declipse: Revolutie heb gedaan. Ik heb een grove opsomming van de hoofdlijnen gemaakt, die ik steeds verder uitgewerkt heb. Uiteindelijk kwam ik uit op een verhaal verspreid over 30 hoofdstukken.

Dat verhaal gaat langzaam vorm krijgen. 30 hoofdstukken, die bij elkaar rond de 150.000 woorden gaan omvatten, laten zich niet zomaar schrijven. Daarom heb ik de beste motivator die ik me maar kan wensen:

Een grafiek die mijn voortgang laat zien!

De grafiek van november!

Elke dag van november zal de staafgrafiek hierboven weer iets verder gevuld worden. Elke keer dat ik mijn woordenaantal update op de website van NaNoWriMo loopt de grafiek op en komt het einde beter in zicht.

Hoe ziet dit blog er uit in de komende maand?

Ik heb het nodige voorwerk gedaan! Mijn wekelijkse blogjes zullen gewoon doorgaan, omdat ik die blogs al heb uitgeschreven in de loop van oktober. Ik zal dus nog steeds wekelijks mijn gedachten en ervaringen met jullie delen!

Maar ik ga ook een tweede serie bijhouden. Elke donderdag, beginnend op twee november, zal ik een korte update schrijven van mijn NaNoWriMo voortgang. In deze update zal ik de kansen en uitdagingen beschrijven die ik in de voorgaande week heb gezien. Daarnaast zal ik natuurlijk een screenshot maken van de staafgrafiek, zodat de voortgang duidelijk zichtbaar is…

En als laatste vat ik ook kort samen wat er gebeurd is in het verhaal. Daarmee geef ik misschien wat spoilers weg, maar ik zal proberen om het vaag en interessant te houden. Het moet nog wel leuk zijn om het verhaal te lezen, immers!

Waarom elke donderdag? Omdat 30 november dit jaar op een donderdag valt, natuurlijk! Zo kan ik vijf updates geven die netjes in een flow passen.

Omdat ik collega’s heb die geen Nederlands spreken, maar wel graag mijn werk willen lezen, zal mijn verhaal dit jaar in het Engels worden geschreven. Met die reden in het achterhoofd zal ik deze blogs ook in het Engels schrijven. Daarmee hoop ik dat ook zij kunnen genieten van mijn werk!

En wat ga ik in november schrijven?

Deze november stap ik even weg van Declipse. De wereld van Declipse leeft in mijn gedachten, maar ik heb ook wel eens behoefte aan iets anders. Dit jaar ga ik geen thriller schrijven, maar een urban fantasy verhaal. Mensen die Lucifer hebben gekeken, of de Dresden Files boeken hebben gelezen, zullen deze term misschien wel gehoord hebben. Het is de samenkomst van een moderne, technologische wereld en de wezens en karakteristieken van een fantasy wereld.

De titel?

A Cage for Horrors.

East Light City is een stad met de bevolking van een klein land. Een groot deel van deze bevolking woont in de Southern Stacks, een gezwel van een constructie waarvan niemand helemaal weet hoe het niet op zichzelf in is gestort. De wacht van East Light City doet haar best om deze Southern Stacks veilig te houden, maar het is een moeilijke, tijdrovende taak.

Cadence Gederon en Darryl Redmane zijn twee mensen die de wacht… een handje helpen. Ze noemen zichzelf magische privédetectives die geen probleem uit de weg gaan, maar als ze op een serie moorden stuiten die niet te verklaren lijken te zijn, worden ze geconfronteerd met problemen die ze misschien niet aankunnen.

Maar Cadence’s verleden lijkt hier mee gemoeid te zijn. Kan ze onpartijdig blijven als ze wordt geconfronteerd met een verleden dat ze zich niet kan herinneren?

We gaan er achter komen…

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